Friday, August 01, 2008

Upon adding my 400th "friend"

A friend of mine sings one of the greatest love songs of all time in this movie. Lyrics: "I love technology, but not as much as I love you". That sums up my love/hate relationship with Facebook and the way it connects me to people.

I hate knowing the publicized, synthetic minutiae of other people's lives. Being "friended" by old boyfriends is always weird. Voyeurism. Wasting time. Having people post pictures on the world wide web of me in my bathing suit-- sans permission or payment.

At other times facebook straight up melts my heart. Learning about people's babies. Wasting time, happily seeing all the things my friends are accomplishing. Having a friend from elementary school post this picture of my 3rd grade self. I love it-- not much has changed-- I still have darker skin than all the other white kids, I still hang with the boys, and oddly, still pose like that for pictures.
What do you love and hate about facebook?


Author said...

i love that YOU are my friend on facebook. I kinda hate that my students are my friends, which is why i don't really use it. I don't like people i don't really know all up in my bidness.

m-l-e said...

ahh.. thanks, livs. Yah, the whole worlds collide thing is pretty creepy.

Laura Tanner said...

I love not being on facebook. I'm sure at some point I'll relent and sign up, but right now I'm pretty free.

hOLLIANN said...

I love that I found you on facebook...I would have never known, although I am not surprised, how popular, famous, and talented you are. I love to see people succeed, especially people I like.

Other than that...I am super private, so I have no reason to write what I am doing right now etc. (partly bc I am boring), I am kind of shy that way. It really is an interesting waste of time. I could go on and on about it.

BTW - is that Jeremy Kendall?

Anne said...

I love that it's a new way to keep in touch with people you wouldn't otherwise. And I hate all the mass quantities of jibble jabble that people put on your wall.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i really love connecting with old friends, family members, and even mere acquaintances. i don't love my work colleagues to know everything i do however. i just would rather have the little things remain a mystery to them-- like my age, religion, and political affiliation. I also don't want them to see the photos of me my girlfriends post (ahem bathing suit photos.. eek!):) P.S. that photo of you is so cute :)

Mary said...

I know this is immature, but I'm just going to say it. I like it when other people put flattering photos of me on facebook. I'm not such a fan of putting photos up myself (or of the pictures people take obviously so that they CAN post them on facebook) but I am secretly pleased when a friend puts a photo of me up there that looks decent. Granted that is about 1 out of 10, but its flattering.

Do you know what I don't like? I don't like being found by old high school friends who I can't really remember and don't really care about. Of course, I care about SOME friends from high school, but most of the requests lately make me scratch my head and try to remember. It's awkward and I don't want to write them a message and say "I don't remember you" when clearly, from looking at our friends in common I should know this super smiley individual.

m-l-e said...

good points-- Laura, you can benefit from your husband's facebook account, though right.

And true, i do love finding old friends. ahh facebook!

Lane said...

Aw...that is an AWESOME picture. I feel you on Facebook--it's kinda nice to "keep in touch" but I'll add someone on facebook and then completely forget about them. I'll be like, oh, i need to add them on facebook, only to find that I already did months ago and it has not, apparently, enhanced the relationship in any way.